Our Services

Patent Services:

+ Patentability searches and opinions in the high tech, bio, chemical and mechanical fields
+ Patent drafting, filing and prosecution services in the high tech, bio, chemical and mechanical fields for the procurement of patents in Canada and the United States
+ Access to our network of foreign associates for the procurement of patents worldwide
+ PCT international and Canadian national phase patent application filing and prosecution
+ Infringement assessments
+ Patent validity reviews
+ Freedom to operate reviews
+ Due diligence reviews of patent portfolios
+ Invention mining for companies
+ Full patent portfolio maintenance over the lifetime of the patents

Industrial Design (Design Patent) Services:

+ Industrial design searching of Canadian, US and international databases
+ Industrial design application preparation, filing and prosecution in Canada and the United States
+ Industrial designs registrability opinions
+ Industrial design infringement assessments

Trademark Services:

+  Trademark branding strategies
+  Canadian and International trademark clearance searches and opinions
+  Canadian and international trademark filings, including prosecution and registration
+  Trademark monitoring and watch services
+  Trademark licensing and assignments
+  Trademark renewals
+  Opposition and cancellation proceedings
+  Cease and desist letters
+  Trademark portfolio management

Copyright Services:

+ Copyright registration